Reply to Sender

Aug 3, 2023 2:50 PM
Noah Block


Dear ANCOR Members,
As we roll into August, we have a critical opportunity to engage with our federal legislators and advocate for the rights of individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Right now, your U.S. Senators and Representatives are back in your communities, eager to listen to their constituents and participate in community events.
This past year, your incredible efforts and passionate advocacy made a significant impact on the disability community. Your stories, calls, meetings, and social media engagement resonated loudly, leading to the Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs committee to take up our SOC bill, voting unanimously for it to move to a full Senate vote! Now, as we find ourselves on August 3rd, let’s continue our advocacy and make an even greater difference!
Here are some tips to make the most out of this year’s August Congressional Recess:
1. Follow us on social media: Stay connected on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn. Throughout the year, we’ll be sharing actions you can take to advocate with your members of Congress.
2. Visit our Action Center: We have prepared easy ways for you to take action. Tell your representatives to invest in home and community-based services and to recognize Direct Support Professionals.
3. Meet your U.S. senators and representatives: Look them up using Congress’ “Find your elected officials” tool. If you’ve met with them during a previous recess, schedule another appointment to strengthen your connection. Don’t forget to express gratitude for past legislative actions that advanced disability rights and provider sustainability!
4. Follow your elected officials on social media: By following their Twitter accounts, you can learn about the legislation your representatives are currently working on.
5. Attend town hall events: Many members of Congress host town hall meetings during August recess to hear from constituents. Check your representatives’ websites for their town hall schedules. If they’re in person, make sure to take lots of photos!
Additionally, after your meetings with legislators, please take a few moments to fill out our congressional visit form and share your photos by emailing me at!
ANCOR is built on the collective power of our members, and your stories and perspectives on critical disability policy issues can help prepare your legislators to fight for disability issues throughout 2023 and beyond. Together, let’s use this opportunity during the August Recess to ensure that the concerns of the disability community are heard.
Thank you for being the heart and soul of ANCOR’s advocacy efforts. Let’s build on our success and create an even brighter future for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities.
Thank you for being a part of ANCOR’s advocacy efforts. Let’s make this August recess count!
Best regards,
Noah, Advocacy Manager at ANCOR

Noah Block
American Network of Community Options and Resources
Alexandria VA