In the past week, S. 847 International Children with Disabilities Protection Act was cleared through the Senate Foreign Relations Committee (SFRC) and is being offered as an amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA). This bipartisan legislation aims to create a small-grants program—implemented by global disability rights NGOs—to support children with disabilities and improve the capacity of local organizations of persons with disabilities and families of children with disabilities to advocate for necessary reforms. All children with disabilities deserve to grow up in loving families and not institutions.
Senator McConnell is currently blocking its inclusion in the NDAA, and we need your help to show him that his KY constituency, especially the disability community, seeks its inclusion. Please email his staff today at:;; and urge Senator McConnell to clear the bill. DC Office Phone: (202) 224-2541
The US International Council on Disabilities and Disability Rights International are advocating together on this bill and have an endorsement form if you would like to include your organization: